We're an ordinary family, complete with picky eaters, budget concerns, and time management issues. But to prove that "eating local" works - even for busy families in cooler climates - we're trading Chick-Fil-A and goldfish crackers for grassfed meat and local produce. Join our adventure in learning to eat (sort of) sustainably for the summer!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

First garden pix of the year

Top to bottom in the bed that's between our sidewalk and our garage: The Oregano that Never Dies; 3 stevia plants, some onions I forgot to pull out last year, three bell peppers, some chives, two spicy peppers, and a nasturtium.  There are some daffodils left in there, too, and what seems to be the Incredible Multiplying Allium Plant (I swear, we had one when we moved here, now we've got like 10 in this bed and half a dozen in a neighboring bed).

Top to bottom in the bed that's between our sidewalk and driveway (closest one to the street): Carrots (started seeds in planter), 3 cilantro plants, sugar snap peas (seeds started under tower), spinach (seeds started in planter), 4 dwarf celery plants, 4 freckled lettuce plants, 3 Thai basil plants, 3 purple basil plants, 3 cinnamon basil plants, 2 rosemary plants (one is a volunteer left over from last year), a lavender plant, and the Thyme Plant That Never Dies No Matter How Cold It Is.  There's a nasturtium in there, too, as well as two roses, some sedum, and a peony, all of which were there to begin with and are too happy where they are to think about moving them this year.

Top to bottom in the new bed, which is right on our property line: Cardinal vine (in planter, and I'm growing it for the hummingbirds, not for us), a lavender plant which I suspect is dead, another Thyme That Never Dies, 4 fennel plants (2 regular, 2 bronze), 4 lemongrass plants, a Tumbling Tom tomato (in hanging basket), and a rhubarb.  Also in this bed: some veronica I transplanted from the side of the house, some roses that grew from hips off of another plant, and a maple tree that sprouted in our junk pile in the back yard.

Not pictured: the two blueberry bushes I haven't put in yet - one's going in the blank spot at the front of the curve in this bed, and one's going next to our driveway and trashcans.

Now I'm sure some people are a little leery of the idea of decorating with foodstuffs.  Maybe a few pictures will convince you?

This is what you can see from the sidewalk by the street:

This basil is more vivid (and better smelling) than any Coleus I've seen:

Oh, rhubarb, how I love your giant foliage and strangely-spraypainted-cauliflower-looking blossoms!

Gratuitous tomato shot, because - damn, it's May and I have tomatoes!

Chives - I never remember to cook with them, but the flowers are just too cute for words.

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